Arthritis is an general term that covers 100’s of different disorders of the joints. With osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis being the 2 most common forms, approximately 1 in 5, or 22%, of Americans have been diagnosed with varying degrees of some form of the disease.
Regardless of the type of arthritis, the primary concern for those who are afflicted is joint pain. As with any medical condition, the first and most important thing to do is see a physician, in addition to that, here are 10 tips to help cope with arthritis.
1. Eat Well – Diet is a big part of joint pain, from uric acid build up to weight gain adding stress on joints.
2. Maintain Your Mobility -Moving and exercise can strengthen muscle and reduce pain.
3. Get Educated – Visit a Chiropractor, understanding the root cause will help you avoid triggers.
4. Stay on Top of Your Arthritis – Read up on new medicines, treatments and holistic supplements.
5. Stay Positive – Pride will hurt you, understand this is a long journey not a quick fix.
6. Maintain a Healthy Weight – The less weight the less pressure applied to your joints.
7. Consider Some Life Changes – You may not be able to do everything, focus on the important.
8. Try Other Means of Therapies – Mediation, muscle training and swimming can often alleviate pain.
9. Medicate to Find Relief – Medication is not your enemy but finding the right solution is key.
10. Find a Great Medical Team – Joint pain comes from different part of the body along with a Chiropractor you may seek out nutritionists, spiritual and other medical professionals.